Monday, May 17, 2010

Cryptic Chocolate quiz, what is the name of the chocolate bar from the clue given?

ie Sly giggles is Snickers

High class thoroughfare

Money making royalty

Dark occult

Mother's local

Clever folk

Various black items

Sport for Princes

Frankie Vaughan wanted it

Good children get these

Feline equipment

Garden flowers

Assorted girls

Dairy holder

Arrange marriage partners

Edible fasteners

Wobbly infants

Talk quietly

Big bus

Gem orchard

Spin around

Capital granite

Lorry driver's snack

100% Au

Istanbul harem

Up out there

Even more up out there

Big cat's pub

Noisy insect

One who wanders

Musical bard

It's a party

Outside meal

Easily blown

Locals from Malta


Ten cent pub

Toothless drink

Lost them…..?

Sweet tooth

Pub pins

I know I'm cheating ,but thanks for your help

Cryptic Chocolate quiz, what is the name of the chocolate bar from the clue given?
Quality Street

Mint Imperials

Black Magic

Mars Bar


Liquorice Allsorts




Kit Kat


Dolly Mixtures

Milk Tray

Match Makers

Chocolate Buttons

Jelly Babies


Double Decker

Opal fruits


Edinburgh Rock


All Gold

Turkish Delight

Milky Way


Lion Bar









Dime Bar

Wine Gums


Candy Floss

Reply:High clas thoruoghfare - Quality Street

Garden Flowers = Roses

Lorry Drivers Snack - Yorkie

Outside Meal - Picnic

Locals from Malta - Maltesers

Ten Cent Pub - Dime Bar

Istnbul harem - Tukish Delight

100% Au - All Gold

Talk Quietly - Whisper

Arrange Marriage Partners - Matchmakers

Clever Folk - Smarties

One who wanders - Drifter
Reply:Dark Occult - black magic

sport for princes - polos

garden flowers - roses

assorted girls - dolly mixtures

edible fastners -chocolate buttons

wobbly infants - jelly babies

talk quietly - wispa

big bus - double decker

spin around - twirl

capital granite - edinburgh rock

lorry drivers snack - yorkie

100% au - all gold

istanbul harem - turkish delight

even more up out there - galaxy

big cats pub - lion bar

outside meal - picnic

ten cent pub - dime bar

locals from malta - malteasers

pub pins - skittles

sorry can't work out the rest
Reply:Quality street,mint viscount,black magic,mars bar,smarties, ,aero, ,treats,kitkat,roses, ,milk tray,

matchmakers,chocolate buttons,jelly babies,whisper,double decker, ,twirl, ,trucker,all gold,turkish delight,galaxy,milky way,lion bar, , , ,celebrations,picnic, ,maltesers, ,dime bar,

gum drops, , ,skittles
Reply:Big bus = double decker

Spin around = twirl

Talk quietly - whisper

edible fasteners = buttons

wobbly infants = jelly babies

100% au = all gold

istanbul harem = turkish delight

outside meal = picnic

cant give them all now can i that would be cheating
Reply:mothers local, milky bar
Reply:edible fastners.... buttons

spin around.... twirl

istanbul harem... turkish delight

locals from malta... maltesers

wobbly infants.... jelly tots or jelly babies

feline equipment... kit kat

toothless drink... wine gums

easliy blown... aero bubbles
Reply:High class thoroughfare - Quality Street

Dark Occult - Black Magic

Various black items - Liquorice Allsorts

Sport for Princes - Polo

Garden flowers - Roses

Big bus - Double Decker

Wobbly infants - Jelly Babies

Big cat's pub - Lion bar

Istanbul Harem - Turkish Delight

Outside meal - Picnic

Locals from Malta - Maltesers

10 cent pub - Dime bar

Assorted girls - Dolly Mixture
Reply:Snickers - yummy peanuts and chocolate!!
Reply:Lost them…..? - Marbles? (Cadbury's did a 'Marble' bar)

Various black items - Liquorice allsorts

Noisy insect - Humbug

Gem orchard - Opal fruits?

Mother's local - Milky bar?

Good children get these – Treats

Sweet tooth - Sugar fangs/ fizzy fangs? Not sure about this one!

Hope it helps! I could have got the other ones too, but came along too late!
Reply:garden flowers=roses

lorry drivers snack=yorkie

istanbul harem=turkish delight

toothless drink=winegums

spin around=twister

100%au=terrys all gold

wobbly infants=jelly babies

assorted girls=dolly mixtures

up out there=mars bar
Reply:talk quietly wispa
Reply:Big Cats Pub = Lion Bar

Talk quietly = wispa

Dark Occult = Black Magic

Lorry drivers snack = Yorkie??

Pub pins = Skittles

Ten Cent Pub = Dime Bar
Reply:Locals from Malta - Maltesers.

Talk quietly - Whisper

Outside meal - Picnic

Edible fasteners - Buttons

Big Bus - Double Decker

Spin around - Twirl

Dairy holder - Milk Bottles

Up out there - Milky Way
Reply:High class thoroughfare – Quality Street

Money making royalty – Mint Imperials

Dark occult – Black Magic

Clever folk - Smarties

Sport for Princes - Polos

Frankie Vaughan wanted it – Moonlight

Feline equipment – Tiger nuts NO not really its Kit Kat

Garden flowers - Roses

Assorted girls – Dolly Mixtures

Dairy holder – Milk Tray

Arrange marriage partners - Matchmakers

Edible fasteners – Chocolate Buttons

Wobbly infants – jelly tots or babies

Talk quietly - Wispa

Big bus – Double Decker

Spin around - Twirl

Capital granite – Edinburgh Rock

Lorry driver's snack – possibly a Yorkie

100% Au – All Gold

Istanbul harem – Turkish delight

Up out there – Milky way

Even more up out there - Galaxy

Big cat's pub – Lion Bar

One who wanders - Drifter

Musical bard - Minstrels

It's a party - Celebrations

Outside meal - Picnic

Easily blown – Aero Bubbles

Locals from Malta - Maltesers

Reward - Bounty

Ten cent pub – Dime Bar or Daime Bar depending on where you buy it

Toothless drink – wine gums

Pub pins - Skittles

Still can’t get these

Lost them…..?

Sweet tooth

Noisy insect

Gem orchard

Mother's local

Various black items

Good children get these – not sure but could be Rewards or Treats

Will ask my daughter she's an expert on any advertising (consumer)
Reply:Money making Royalty: Mint

Dark occult: Dark Magic

Dairy holder: Milk Chocolate

Wobbly infants: Jelly Babies

Sport for Princes: Polo

Big cats pub: Lion bar

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