Monday, May 11, 2009

I grow my own Thyme - this year it flowered on top - anyone know if the flowers are edible or affect the taste

Yes, the flowers are edible, although I don't know what they taste like. Probably similar to the leaves -- perhaps more mild.

If you want your thyme plants to continue producing lots of leaves, I would recommend snipped off the flowering structure before it gets too far. When certain herbs "bolt" (send up a flowering stalk), sometimes the leaves become tougher and/or less tasty. Other times, the leaves become smaller and narrower.

Either way, if you're growing the herb for its leaves, you should prevent it from flowering. If, however, you want to have some seeds to plant for next year, go ahead and let some of the plants flower, so you can save the seeds. :)

I grow my own Thyme - this year it flowered on top - anyone know if the flowers are edible or affect the taste
Yes, they are, they won't affect the taste...just the growth of the plant.

Numerous flowers appear from spring through fall but mostly in June and July. They are tubular, lilac to pink, under quarter inch long, and arranged in small terminal clusters.

Dried flowers have been used to preserve linen from insects. Leaves and flowers are ingredients in sachets.

Use: Thymol, the essential oil of thyme, has a long list of historical medicinal uses. Thyme has a strong, herbal and pungent taste. Its flavor is sometimes confused with marjoram, but thyme is stronger, and is at its best when used in long, slowly cooked dishes, or as a marinade.

Leaves and sprigs are used as seasoning in clam chowder, stuffing, with meats, flavored vinegars, pickles, and mustard. Thyme is used to flavor liqueurs and is one of the flavorings in Benedictine liqueur. The flowers are edible. The oil is used in flavoring toothpastes, mouth washes, and cough medicines.

Thymol's antiseptic and stimulating properties are useful in colognes, after-shave lotions, soaps, and detergents.


Harvest stems and leaves for drying just as flowering begins, cutting the entire plant back to about 5 cm (2 inches) above the ground.

For the rest of the season, harvest only the tips of the branches so the plants are sturdy enough to survive fall and winter temperatures.

To dry garden thyme, lay the stems flat or hang them in bunches in a shady, dry location. Strip the dried leaves from the stems and store in an airtight container.

Freeze sprigs of garden thyme on a cookie tray and store in airtight freezer bags for use as required.
Reply:For most herbs, including thyme, the flowers should be pinched off in the bud stage, this causes the plant to leaf out more. They probably are edible, but I do not know of anyone who has eaten them. If you catch them early enough, it should not affect the pungency of the leaves, but if you let them go into full bloom, the leaves will lose some pungency.
Reply:Harvesting Thyme

Leaves can be harvested for fresh use throughout the summer, but the flavor is best just before flowering. To dry, cut the stems just as the flowers start to open and hang in small bunches. Harvest sparingly the first year.
Reply:the flowers are edible, i put them in my salad's. most flowers produced from edible vegitation is also edible... including roses, and some orchids.

Ever get Homesick for that Gentle Hum and Edible Flowers where Anything Can Happen & you feel like the...?

Luckiest Man Alive?

Ever get Homesick for that Gentle Hum and Edible Flowers where Anything Can Happen %26amp; you feel like the...?
Well I am the luckiest lady alive....But answer your ?yes I do!!

Reply:Where are these flowers you speak of? They seem to be making you euphoric!

Have you ever eaten an edible flower?

such as daylily blooms.

Have you ever eaten an edible flower?
I have used dried daylily in my Chinese vegetable stew. Where fresh zucchini flowers are concerned, I stuff them with a rice-based mixture. In addition, a fine jam can be made out of rose petals. Finally, an excellent traditional Asian salad can be made out of banana flower buds.
Reply:Many times, nasturtium, honeysuckle, and fuschias - did you know the little pale pink ones beat honeysuckle any day?

Also eaten inedible ones, like daisies, buttercups, etc, they don't do any harm , I think most flowers are edible anyway. Maybe the poisonous ones don't grow in my garden anyway.
Reply:Nasturtiums, Lavender.
Reply:Not day lillies, but Nasturtiums
Reply:honeysuckles are fantastic...try one.
Reply:yes, a restaurant owned once in a while we'd feature a chrysamthemum salad and it was a good sellar for short periods of time.

nasturtiums are especially good in salads, very peppery flavored. All edibles have a unique flavor.

I have candied many viola or violets for wedding cakes, believe me. Very lovely and delicious.
Reply:haha yes
Reply:Yes. Nasturtiums. They're really hot, like horseradish. Some gourmet restaurants actually use them in salads.
Reply:Yes I have.. even today! Cauliflower :)
Reply:I have actually. Didn't really taste like much. It was fun though. lol.
Reply:I've eaten wild sorrel, violets, and clover.

Football Shoes

Which Flowers are edible?

try this..fill your ice cube tray to half place small pansies and borage flowers in them and then put more water in it. These flowers are edible and make very pretty looking ice cubes.

And of course, you can toss them in salads, just like nasturtiums.

Some roses are edible too. my mum use to put rose petals from the red and pink roses in sugar syrup. and do so till the jar was full and all the petals were fully immersed in sugar syrup. she use to keep the jar in sun every day for two weeks. it cold be eaten then. in India, we called it 'Gulkand'. it tastes yumm!! said to have some medicinal value as well.

Which Flowers are edible?
I've eaten an orchid before, I hear you have to be very careful with edible flowers since some can be poisonous. It tasted like a salad, nothing special.
Reply:Elderberry flowers can be made into fritters. The berries also make good wine and jelly. Day lilies are edible. You can eat all parts of the plant except the leaves. The pods, flowers, and roots are edible. Nasturtium flowers are edible and the leaves can be used in salads. Dandelions make great wine and the unopened buds and early greens are edible. Sunflower seeds are edible. Violets are edible and are often candied for a treat.
Reply:Borage, which are pretty blue flowers, are edible as are

Nasturtiam which come in orange, red, yellow, gold...and

I believe some pansies.
Reply:Pansies make a salad sooo pretty

Cherry blossoms too
Reply:i like that question!that is tough their are so many.It is the one you want!
Reply:I remember seeing this episode on TV that "Take Home Chef" where that handsome British guy was cooking this desert with zucchini flowers. Evidently they are quite flavorful and give off a pleasant aroma.

Other than that, I found this good website:
Reply:Here's a list %26amp; explanation of edible flowers

Click on each flower to find uses %26amp; recipes:

Edible flowers include:

Blossoms of leeks, chives, garlic, garlic chives, Angelica, Anise Hyssop, Apple Blossoms, Arugula, Banana Blossoms, Basil Blossoms, Bee Balm, Borage, Broccoli Florets, Burnet, Calendula, Carnations, Chamomile, Chervil, Chicory, Chrysanthemums, Cilantro/Coriander, Citrus blossoms, Clover, Cornflower, Dame's Rocket, Dandelions, Day Lilies, Dill flowers, Elderberry blossoms, English Daisy, Fennel flowers, Fuchsia, Sorrel flowers, Gladiolus, Hibiscus, Hollyhock, Hollyhock, Hyacinth, Impatiens, Jasmine, Johnny-Jump-Ups, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, Lilac, Linden flowers, Marjoram blossoms, Mint %26amp; Mustard flowers, Nasturtiums, Okra, Oregano, Pansy,

Pea Blossoms-- NOTE: Flowering ornamental sweet peas are poisonous.

Peach %26amp; Pineapple Guava blossoms, Peony petals, Primrose,

Queen Anne's Lace-- NOTE: The problem is, it is closely related to, and looks almost exactly like another wild plant, Wild or Poison Hemlock, which often grows profusely in similar habitats, and is said to be the most poisonous plant native to the United States. The best way to differentiate between the two plants is to remember that Queen Anne's Lace has a hairy stem, while the stems of Wild Hemlock are smooth and hairless and hollow with purple spots.

Radish %26amp; Rosemary flowers, Roses, Safflower, Sage, Savory %26amp; Scarlet Runner Bean flowers,

Scented Geraniums--NOTE: Citronelle variety may not be edible.

Snap Dragon, Squash, Sunflower, %26amp;Thyme blossoms

Sweet Woodruffflower--NOTE: Can have a blood thinning effect if eaten in large amounts

Tuberous Begonia - NOTE: Only Hybrids are edible,

Tulip Petals--NOTE: Some people have had strong allergic reactions to them. If touching them causes a rash, numbness etc. Don't eat them! Don't eat the bulbs ever.

Violets, Yucca Petals.

Good luck! Hope this is helpful.
Reply:Try these links
Reply:Here is a list of edible flowers. It is a long list that include a link to recipes using edible flowers.


Where can I find pretty edible lovers and what flowers do you suggest that are edible?

For the flowers is is a very good source of information:

Where can I find pretty edible lovers and what flowers do you suggest that are edible?
Nasturtiums, they are both lovely and edible. The leaves as well as the flowers.
Reply:Dandelions are the first ones that come to mind.

Annie C., thanks for the link. I'm working on trying to plant as many edible perennials as possible in my yard.
Reply:Nasturtiums, rose petals, violets. Just be sure they have not been sprayed with pesticides or fungicides.
Reply:ORCHIDS! They're really colourful and the petals are edible. Hmm...they're usually imported from Singapore or Thailand though. Alternatively, the hibiscus is good too, less expensive (: but again i don't know if your local florist stocks tropical flowers.

Oh and as a last resort, you acn always buy cauliFLOWER from the nearest supermarket! Sorry~ couldn't resist xD LOL
Reply:I don't know where you live, but you can usually get edible flowers are nicer markets. Ive gotten them at Whole Foods and Im pretty sure I've seen them at Publix once or twice as well. If you have Wegman's by you, that is probably your best bet, since they were rated the best supermarket in the country.

Where can I buy edible flowers in Singapore?

any specialist stores that sell flowers for cooking/baking

Where can I buy edible flowers in Singapore?

Good luck!

Are there edible types of flowers?

I have the book called 'Cooking with Flowers' by Jenny Leggat.

All Alliums are edible - Chive Blossoms - Garlic Blossoms

Monarda didyma - Bee Balm - Bergamot

Tropaeolum majus - Nasturtiums

Primula vulgaris - P. veris - Primrose

Salvia officialis - Sage

Violet - Violet odorata - V. tricolor

Rosa spp - Rose

Malva spp - Mallow



Cornflower - Centaurea cyanus


Calendula - Marigolds.

Dianthus - cheddar pinks


Pea flowers %26amp; Scarlet Runner Beans

Pear flowers

Queen Anne's Lace


Candied Flowers

edible flowers

superfine sugar

egg whites, at room temperature


Brush petals with an egg white that is slightly beaten with a couple of drops of water.

Hold the petal with a tweezer, and sprinkle with superfine sugar. Tap the tweezer to remove excess sugar.

Remove to a rack to dry completely. Store in an airtight container.

Sugared flowers can be made in advance and stored up to one month.

Are there edible types of flowers?
There are many. The flowers of squash are good filled with cream cheese, nasturtium flowers and leaves are good in salads and I like to snack on the flowers. Lavender, rose petals, pansies and marigold are also good for eating. There are many others, just be sure that the flowers have not been sprayed with pesticides and you wash them well to remove any hidden bugs.
Reply:yes, as long as they're not from poisonous plants, then they're edible.
Reply:yes there are but i don't know the name of the ones that you can eat
Reply:Yes, you can eat courgette (zucchini) flowers and nasturtiums and I believe there are others. Nastursiums have a lovely peppery taste and are great for colour and taste in salads.

My grandmother used to make fritters with courgette flowers when I was little. They taste great.

Dandelion greens can be eaten like spinach, when they're young. And just a couple of days ago I was given a recipe for dandelion syrup that uses the flower heads.

Rose hips (from roses) Are high in vitamin C, and rose hip syrup used to be used a lot during cold season. I've even heard of rose petals being used in salads.

There are others too.

Yes there are, and here are several.
Reply:There certainly are, I have eaten dandelions and others but I am no authority on which are.

ice skates

What non-edible product is made from the flowers of the (French) Riviera?

I've been trying to find this and i can't seem to find it please help me. Thank you sooo much. who ever gets me the right answer first will get best answer. I'll be checking often and i need the answer by thursday. becuase i need to have everything together friday morning. Once again thank you


What non-edible product is made from the flowers of the (French) Riviera?
perfume? There's also a lot of sachets and dried lavender products.

Does anyone know if ALL hibiscus flowers are edible. If not than which ones are?

well iguanas just love them it's their favorite food ,thats why we have so many here in Florida.I do know that pansies are edible and also voilets.

Does anyone know if ALL hibiscus flowers are edible. If not than which ones are?
Pretty much all hibiscus varities are edible. If it is sold in a nursery then it is. Talking about lawsuit there.
Reply:Im not sure. We have one outside that is like Red-pink and it's edible. REALLy good.
Reply:I ate 4 last night with ketchup

make sure you remove the stamen first
Reply:And you'd want to eat a flower WHY, exactly?? No idea
Reply:I would suggest not eating flowers at all...

What is crisco ? How can i make an edible flower on top of a cake ?

i always see crisco in all these recipes, what is it ?

and if i use a wedding cake type of icing, how can i make a flower?


What is crisco ? How can i make an edible flower on top of a cake ?
Crisco is a brand name for vegetable shortening... you can buy it in large tubs (think coffee can size) or packages of sticks for easy measuring. If making a flower out of icing then opt for a thicker icing (1/2 c. butter, 1/2 c. vegetable shortening, 4 c. powdered sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla extract and splashes of milk until you have frosting the consistency of thick mashed potatoes). You can make roses using a flower pick (available at craft stores in the cake decorating section), but roses are difficult to make and take some practice. You could also buy star tip for your icing bag (again, look in cake decorating section of craft store) and pipe flowers directly onto the cake. Go to - they should have some tips and techniques for you.

Good luck!!
Reply:Crisco is a solid vegetable shortening.

As for the flowers, they take a lot of time and practice. If you have a Hobby Lobby near you Wilton gives classes on cake decorating there and they sale all the supplies and books you need. Also, try the Wilton web site.
Reply:Crisco is solid shortening. You can buy it at the supermarket where you buy vegetable oil (usually in the cooking aisle). To learn how to make frosting flowers, I would go to a shop like Michael's and got a how-to book.
Reply:Crisco is solid vegetable shortening and can be found at your local grocery store in the baking aisle.

To make a flower, you'd have to use a pastry bag with a special tip for making flower shapes.
Reply:crisco is a solid vegetable shortening oftne used in wedding cake frostings and decorations because it makes a nice stable frosting
Reply:Crisco is a vegetable oil you dont eat it and you especially dont put in on cakes.Use butterscotch or something crisco would make people throw up!


Reply:Crisco, a popular brand of shortening, was first produced in 1911 by Procter %26amp; Gamble and was the first shortening to be made entirely of vegetable oil.

Edible Flowers & Succulents?

Please send me answers, thank you.

Edible Flowers %26amp; Succulents?
Queen anne's lace (also called wild carrot, but beware of lookalikes, cause one is deadly poisonous) red clover, chicory (root used as a kind of coffee I believe) dandilion greens, Mayapple fruit is edible, but only at a certain point in growing (I think it is poisonous after it is ripe.) dead nettle (called dead because it doesn't sting.) lemon clover.

a tip for if you are planning on eating any of these: make SURE you have the right plant, cause mistakes can be fatal
Reply:day lilies,prickly pear cactus ,dandy lions many more

White Teeth

Do you know of an edible flower that is orange?

My friend had a salad with an orange flower and she cannot seem to find out what it is.

Do you know of an edible flower that is orange?




Squash (zucch or any other)

All are edible. The easiest way to find out what they look like is a google images search with just the flower name.

I would bet it's Nasturtium. They're the ones that non-gardeners would eat most easily, they grow easily, they wash up easily, and I've seen them in salads at restaurants.

Daylilies aren't usually used in salads. They're often dried and used as the "golden needles" in your hot and sour soup. I collect them from my garden for that purpose.

Squash are HUGE. They're more often battered and fried. If in salad, they'd be sliced, I think.

Calendula and marigold are usually used as petals sprinkled over the top, unless they're decorative. I can't imagine eating one of those whole!
Reply:Marigolds are edible and some varieties are very orange.
Reply:Tiger lilies are orange and edible. They are often used closed (so they're pointy).
Reply:Definetely orange nasturtium. You stick it in the middle of a "window pane" shaped pasta/ravioli and it looks beautiful
Reply:If it was recently, it could have been zuchini flowers. They're in season
Reply:Nasturtiums are edible. Here's a photo.
Reply:I saw Narsturtium, an edible orange flower found in salad commonly.
Reply:nasturtium...not sure I would eat it though.

Can you cure Ailments eating edible flowers ? what for which ? if you want to be silly don't bother?

marigold petals? dandelion,bunny rabbits, etc!

Can you cure Ailments eating edible flowers ? what for which ? if you want to be silly don't bother?
There are lots of beneficial qualities for herbs and flowers but you have to know what you are doing and be careful. You are best referring to experts in the field. Read Jekka McVicar's book - she's an expert on herbs and their uses - everything from making herbal teas to hand lotions. She's also got a website I've detailed at the end of this answer. DON'T, whatever you do, listen to anyone who tells you here how to make something and just go and take their word and do it. Many plants are highly toxic.
Reply:Look mate this is really serious.


Yes ailments CAN be cured and many medicines come from plants along with may addictive substances and poisons.

Likewise to extract a medicine you may have to do lots of treatments or its poison.

Just like certain parts of a plant may be safe and others poison. Like rubarb.

Stalks make nice puddings, leaves poison...

Certain plants are hard to tell between the good and deadly ones especailly mushrroms.

the death cap looks almost the same as the magic type... one lick on the bad type you need an multi organ transplant and you die in agony over days.

So DON'T ask this here go to herbal stores and get books out and learn... it takes years to get good at this

So not DIY stuff.
Reply:get a good herbal book. david hoffman, matthew wood etc

What kind of flowers are edible?

This site has links with pictures.

Good info here:

"10 Rules of Edible Flowers":

What kind of flowers are edible?
Check here....
Reply:Apparently dandelions because they keep popping up on menus at the restaurants my wife takes me to.
Reply:cactus flowers are...

Where can I get candy in the shape of flowers?

We want to make dirt cake in the shape of a flower bed and have edible flowers to make it look real. We generally use silk flowers but is there some edible ones? We aslo use gummy worms.

Where can I get candy in the shape of flowers?
You can make them yourself. If you want to use chocolate. Get a flower mold and use a double boiler to melt the chocolate. Pour the chocolate in the mold, add a stick if you want, and let cool completely and they will just pop out. OH! before I forget, rub some cooking oil in the mold before pouring.
Reply:sanrio has some or you can use or

those peel off dots candies (place one in the middle and a few around it)

or cake decorations at grocery stores, michaels,etc.
Reply:You can make candied pansy flowers. Marzipan can come in flower shapes.
Reply:EDIBLES the store can make food in any shape. Same with Sweenors Chocolates.


What can I use instead of egg whites to make sugar coated flowers?

I have edible flowers and I 'd like to coat them with sugar. I saw on the food network that you coat them with a little egg white and water first. I don't want to use raw egg whites and I don't have powder egg whites on hand. Any suggestions?

What can I use instead of egg whites to make sugar coated flowers?
honey or corn syrup maybe??
Reply:Egg substitute watered down. It's pasteurized, so you don't have the same risks as with raw egg whites.

you defy the recipe..

PS what difference

I have never see powdered whites..

It sounds redundant

were you to post this in V%26amp;V and missed,,??

Are the flowers on a basil plant edible?


Just wonderin' if anyone knows whether or not you can eat the flowering part of the basil plant. I was so busy this last week that I wasn't able to keep up with some stuff in my garden. Well, my basil plant went crazy and got all covered in flowers/pods or whatever they are and I just wondered if I need to just cut them all off and throw them away or if they can be eaten. I don't want to leave them on, because I don't want the plant to go to seed yet. So I will be cutting them all off in a day or two - hopefully they are useful too -- I hate to waste them.

Thanks for your help. Hopefully I can reach someone who actually knows about this??

Are the flowers on a basil plant edible?
The herb leaves as you know are edible....and the stems and seed pods can be used for their oil.....the oil is a aid in healing acne and arthritis. I know for a fact that is works on acne, as my kids have used it, never tried it for arthritis.

There isn't any reason that I have read that they are harmful to eat but I imagine the taste would be more bitter.
Reply:I have always loved my herb garden and have things there that would amaze you.... Report It

Reply:They sure are, I use them all the time. A bit sharper a flavor than the leaves, but very good. Keep pinching them off to extend the life of the plant but don't let them go to waste.
Reply:I have never eaten the flowers.But I do use the flowers to make into Pot Pourri, with other herbs.They say the flowers keep flies away.There are two or more forms these days.Sweet Basil, Bush Basil, and I've seen a purple variety.The Sweet Basil is best for outdoors.The French valmorin is the best indoors, and has a particularly delicious flavor.But if you can get hold of the -Illustrated Book of Herbs, byGilda Daisley.Published by Book Club Associates, you'll learn much more. Good Luck!

What weeds and flowers are edible?


Pumpkin flowers-egg,flour and fry

Annise Hysop

Marigolds-peppery flavor

Daylillies-taste like asparagus when cooked

Hibiscus-used to flavor teas

squash flowers

Rose petals


What weeds and flowers are edible?
Cauliflower, broccoli.
Reply:this list is so long if you contact me privately i could put you touch with some sites.
Reply:Public library, herbs section
Reply:I presume that you aren't messing about so here goes.

Dandilion leaves(young ones are best) cooked or raw in a salad

Nasturtium (flowers and leaves) are good in salads

Violet leaves

Wild garlic

Will that do for now?

Perennial plant native to south africa with fleshy leaves showy flowers and edible fruit?

H-T-E--)- fig

Perennial plant native to south africa with fleshy leaves showy flowers and edible fruit?
Reply:Sunday Express Crossword? Hottentot

Nanny Source

How come flowers are not edible but fruits are?

Fruits form from flowers don't they?

How come flowers are not edible but fruits are?
some flowers are edible. nasturtiums, for example, are great on salads, although they have fairly little taste.

fruits are the ovaries of flowers. the flower is pollinated, and the ovary starts to grow, eventually ripening into a tasty fruit. most flowers won't hurt you much, although they might taste bad and make you a little sick to your stomach.
Reply:Any question worth answering is worth taking a moment to verify your facts. This would result in a source link for others to refer to, so they can check the accuracy of your statements and get additional information.

Good link. You got my thumb's-up point. Report It

Reply:There are some flowers that are edible. you just have not figured out which ones they are. Go to your local nurseries and a horticulturist can tell you which ones are edible.
Reply:Not true. Bananas are flowers, of a sort.
Reply:With all the respect broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes are not flowers but they are buds of flowers. But if you are asking I saw people eat the squash male and female flowers in The Nether land and there are many other to.
Reply:Some flowers are great...nasturtiums are used in salads.
Reply:I just watched a show about decorating your food with edible flowers. I don't remember which flowers were used but I was surprised at how many of them were edible.
Reply:Fruit-bearing plants propagate themselves by having their seeds dispersed. A fruit is often attractive and edible so that somebody will take it away, eat the fruit and disperse the seeds. Even if you swallow the seeds they are usually tough enough to get through your digestive system. The flowers are intended to be attractive to the pollinating insects: if the flowers were consumed instead of pollinated, the seeds would not be formed and the plant would have failed in that regard. Even so, there are many edible varieties of flower, although I would guess they are only a minority.
Reply:Some flowers are indeed edible and very delicious. Try nasturiums, both leaves and flowers. Violas, rose hips and petals and daylily flowers are also edible. There are many more. Check your local library for books on the subject.
Reply:Yes, but many flowers are made out of the same stuff as leaves, which we can't digest. We can still eat most of them, but we gain no energy and they taste like crud. Fruits, though, are rich with simpler sugars, which we both eat and like the tastte of. You see, it is not a matter of what we can eat but of what we feel like eating.
Reply:There are some Flowers that can be eaten, which ones I do not know what kinds, I have eat some,
Reply:a lot of flowers are edible but few people ea them. like a dandelion and a rose are both very healthy for you
Reply:Did you know that broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes are all flowers?

Check out this site:

Does anyone know where I can find edible sugar or gumpaste flowers for cake decorating?

Website or store in Southern California listing only please. Thanks.

Does anyone know where I can find edible sugar or gumpaste flowers for cake decorating?
Michael's in the baking section, right next to the Marzipan, which is used also for making flowers and can be tinted, which is also right there
Reply:Just roll out some gumdrops with a pastry roller and cut out your own.
Reply:This may sound crazy, but try your local craft stores that is considered a craft I have seen it in Michaels, Joannes fabrics Walmarts craft section sometimes
Reply:Petit Fleurs - 41364 Paseo Padre Parkway • Fremont, CA 94539

Phone: 510.651.1530 • Fax: 419.828.7355

They offer classes and you can buy their flowers online at

You can also make your own by using gumpaste from Michael's, AC Moore or a cake decorating store.

Purple carrots?edible flowers?

I planted purple carrots are they healthier then the orange kind?Are edible flowers healthy?

Purple carrots?edible flowers?
Purple carrots contain anthocyanins, pigments that act as powerful antioxidants, grabbing and holding on to harmful free radicals in the body. Anthocyanins also help prevent heart disease by slowing blood clotting.

Surprisingly, purple and yellow carrots were grown and eaten as long ago as 900 AD in Afghanistan. People began cultivating orange carrots only about 400 years ago, and most of the world eats them today.

Edible flowers contain vitamin C as well as vitamin A

and many of the pigmentation substances such as beta carotene. Here is a great site that lists the nutritional values for various edible flowers:
Reply: Daisies:Daisies are all about friendship. These bright daisy flowers exude happiness and are the perfect choice for those looking to lift spirits or convey appreciation. YaoFlowers Gerbera Daisies are an especially bright and long lasting version of these popular flowers and a bouquet of them are sure to make recipients smile. When you send gerbera daisies in vibrant reds, yellows, pinks, orange, youre really reaching out to touch your loved one C at just the right spot in her heart.Gerbera Daisies DeliveryOur gerbera daisies come delivered to you fresh from the fields, ensuring their beauty and charm. YaoFlowers cares about quality, and thats why we choose gerbera daisies as the best variety for your loved ones. Gerbera daisies are particularly vibrant and long lasting C the perfect choice when youre looking to send a smile that lasts, not to mention the fact that they are one of our top sellers year round! If youre looking for more information on Daisies, please view our Flower Meanings Guide.

If you ate edible flowers would you soon be blooming out all over as long as no-one weed on you?

As long as no-one weed...... killer line there!

If someone did wee on you, you would have to slug it out, tooth and snail until you'd beetled them! Either that or weevil out of them the secret formula to Baby Bio!

If you ate edible flowers would you soon be blooming out all over as long as no-one weed on you?
Urine a tricky situation as you have to get the right flowers. The wrong ones might crocus and pansies may change our outlook!
Reply:Hi Bud, it Wilt not deter me and it`s no Stigma to find someone has had a Peony, but I would Stalk them until they Blooming well leaf me an apology!

running shoes

Does anyone know where i can buy some edible dandelion flowers?

i have a uromastyx lizard and she is VERY picky and will only eat the bright yellow dandelion flower but they stopped growing here recently so i have nothing to feed her that she likes. any advice?

Does anyone know where i can buy some edible dandelion flowers?
Maybe a Whole Foods Market if you are near one.
Reply:Go to a local vegitarian/vegan store, they sell them for tea and salads.
Reply:Unless you are going to build a green house your lizard will have to learn to eat other stuff.
Reply:You gotta be a first!!!! In all my days, I have never heard of somebody wanting dandelions. I wonder if you could grow em indoors. If you could get the little puffy seeds, then put em in a big flat planter in the house. As far as the lizard being picky, I believe even starving humans will eat vienna sausages. So a little hunger strike probably wont hurt the lizzie. And who knows, maybe it will cultivate a taste for something else. Good luck.
Reply:I would get some other greens into her diet, have you tried hand feeding her? She is still eating crickets right? Dandelion flowers alone are not nutritionally adequate for a Uromastyx. make sure the basking temp is proper, 105-115 deg. depending on age, and that the light is on for no more than 12 hours a day. heat and light effect eating patterns in reptiles.
Reply:Mate my backyard is full of them, you can actually get a dandeloin syrup from the health food shop that might help your lizard, otherwise just investigate the locals gardens, I'm sure they'd be only too willing to help you, maybe your neighbours have some and would be willing to part with them, just ask, I'm sure they'd only be too happy to help!

Are carnation flowers edible?

serious question. i can remember someone telling me when i was little that they were. its just i bought some yesterday, i wasn't going to eat, but it reminded me of what i was told and now i'm curious.

Are carnation flowers edible?
Yes, although I wouldn't eat any that came from the florist (dyes, preservatives, etc.); for more information, check out
Reply:yes you can use them in cake decoration
Reply:yes, but flick your bean while you munch
Reply:why would you eat them lol dont you have nomal food where you come from
Reply:Yeah, if your a rabbit! lol
Reply:They can, and a local woman (local to me) has opened a café which serves dishes based on edible flowers, though I would certainly not eat ones destined for the florists, since they will contain lots of nasty pesticides etc.